
Since it was founded in 2010, Freedelity has been supporting retailers in the collection, updating and processing of personal data with a dual approach, which takes account of the requirements and plans of the retailers on one hand, and the needs of consumers seeking maximum transparency on the processing of their personal data on the other.

The entry into force of the European personal data protection regulation (GDPR) reaffirmed and further strengthened the usefulness of this dual approach. The nature of Freedelity's offer makes it all the more transparent.

The 3 components of the Freedelity offer
This offer is based on three key components
  • Responsibility for processing the Freedelity file.
  • Responsibility for editing the CustoCentrix platform and implementing the shared updating of personal data belonging to companies using CustoCentrix
  • Responsibility for editing the MyFreedelity portal and mobile app.

The CustoCentrix website is the channel through which Freedelity and retailers can communicate.

www.myfreedelity.com is aimed at consumers who are keen to keep control over the way their personal data is used and to manage the consent they grant to companies which use CustoCentrix for the purposes of marketing and CRM.

www.freedelity.be redirects visitors to these two portals and brings data quality services to the attention of those involved in direct marketing.

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